Hi, I'am
A Frontend Developer
animated vaibhav image

About Me

Hi, I am Vaibhav, a passionate Frontend and an unoriented language programmer. I spend my time understanding the code of the various enjoyable open source projects. I like to break things to make them better and performant. My hobby also includes paragliding, mountaineering and travelling.


Kami vision India
Senior Frontend Developer

Revamped the old B2C project from legacy Vue.js to React.js Enhanced mobile responsiveness (from and above 375px), implemented concurrent processing, optimized asset bundling, introduced code splitting and lazy loading, introduced Nx monorepo to separate buisness logic, transitioned some projects to server-side rendering, and integrated Stripe payment gateway into B2C projects, internationalize using react-intl. Implemented tests with Jest and developed a reusable UI component using Storybook on top of antd, suitable for both B2C and B2B applications. Executed sprint and release planning in Jira.

Frontend Developer

Working as a Front-End Engineer on the Klinify web dashboard which helps clinics in augmenting their traditional consult services to patients. As a team member, I was working on the web app performance fixes like lazy loading, pagination, tree shaking, and after a proposal, we mandated this pattern in the technical specification of any project i.e., integrating these patterns as a shared functionality across the platform, additionally, my work included integration testing and maintain the release cycle and developing the demanded feature.

CSS Only Art Gallery

A CSS only art gallery, it helped me in deep diving into how transform, gradient work into the css and the how powerfull css is.

CSS Only Home Camera

A CSS only art gallery, it helped me in deep diving into how can I mix multiple places to give 3D view, in the image below red is the outline of multiple planes


Tishatsu is a collection of cool new age T-shirts on blockchain and vision was to become a faishon label in Metaverse, this project was proposed for the NFTVision Hackathon by team tihatsu and backend is build on Django where client side generate the bird logo using p5.js then using the generated t-shirt pattern from backend, it combines both using fabricjs which later set as a t-shirt background.

Software Developer intern

As a intern my work included features like bidirectional syncing of slack chat with chat platform of Squadcast for the continuous update, adding enzyme tests of the entire front-end platform, writing the serverless and kubeless function as the microservice, and setting up the artifactory for the private npm package.

Student Developer

The aim was to create better quality Bears (analyzers) by creating a tool that has the ability to jump directly into Bear code and move through it using a debugger interface. Every programming language follows some pattern or a design pattern that they recommend to prevent any complexity and future bugs, for the case of javascript you can say eslint, for python say pep8, but Coala works for every language, which means coala is a global wrapper but what if you are a developer at coala and you want to debug that wrapper without opening the GitHub code on various browser tabs, there have to be some medium to debug the coala wrapper.